Inspiration Monday – The music follows

I’ve not had much time today so my Inspiration Monday offering is short but hopefully reasonably sweet!

The music follows

They run through the field, two silhouettes in the growing dusk, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.  The music follows on drifting in from the dim lights of the distant fair.  Almost as one they stop, listening as the melody ebbs and falls on the breeze.  She turns and catches his eye.  A spark leaps between them connecting them forever in the immediacy of the moment.  The enormity of the knowledge they should never have received weighs upon them.  Breaking the spell she laughs breathlessly and they clasp hands and run on once more.


He stands in the field.  The music follows on in his mind but he knows it isn’t real.  He knows that none of this is real.  It never was.

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9 Responses to Inspiration Monday – The music follows

  1. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    Alas, to know none of it was real…

    Very vivid – I could really picture it. A good read!

  2. I love the contrast of the devastation in their wake, the heaviness of the secret vs. the joy of their running and laughing. Fascinating piece.

  3. Pingback: Inspiration Monday: inconvenient death « BeKindRewrite

  4. Too bad it wasn’t real for them!

    • loustar02 says:

      I know. I might yet carry it on so we find out more – I was thinking that someone had been messing with their minds so you never know!

  5. Robin Hawke says:

    This has all the sweetness of memories, Robin

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